STRENGTHWORKS- WEIGHTLIFTING COMPETITION 2022 happening at Red Hook Strengthworks- WILLIAMSBURG, 171 Meeker Avenue, Brooklyn, United States on Sat Mar 12 2022 at 12:00 pm to 06:00 pmRed Hook Pricing About Us Home Lady Velez. works. orPage couldn't load • Instagram. The only exception to this is Wednesday which will be a 3RM Back Squat Test. Log In. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Come join us!Red Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11231, United States (347) 276-1224 [email protected] rounds for time: 400-meter run (weather permitting) 21 kettlebell swings 15 ring rows Weighted plank: 3 x 1 minuteWednesday 2020. Log In. February 22, 2015 · ATTENTION: DELOAD WEEK Anyone that has been training through a majority of this last training cycle (4 to 7 weeks) take the intensity down this week to allow your body to recover. 5% 1 rep at 100+% (new 1-rep max) 5 rounds of 40 seconds work / 2See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. ) 6 burpees 200-meter runRed Hook StrengthWorks at 288 Hamilton Ave, Brooklyn NY 11231 - ⏰hours, address, map, directions, ☎️phone number, customer ratings and comments. worksRed Hook StrengthWorks 6 reviews Unclaimed Interval Training Gyms Edit Closed 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM See all 13 photos Write a review. Sumo Deadlift 10-8-6-4 *Increase wt each set + 3 Min Running Clock Run 400m/Row 500m/90s Jump Rope AMRAP Burpee Pull ups rest 1 min x4See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Red Hook Open Studios. Log In. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. orRed Hook StrengthWorks - WILLIAMSBURG located at 171 Meeker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Red Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11231, United States (347) 276-1224 [email protected] Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11231, United States (347) 276-1224 [email protected] Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11231, United States (347) 276-1224 [email protected]. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Gym/Physical Fitness Center. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. Log In. Log In. Log In. . Something went wrong. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. A. 3 rounds for time: 400-meter run 20 push-ups 20 pull-upsLength of Cycle: 5 Weeks (2/22 to 3/26) Purpose of Cycle: Open Season Characteristics of New Cycle: WOD’s Open Tester or Open Simulator Long Mixed Modality WOD Muscular Endurance Tester or Lactic. Brooklyn Barbell Club. HSPU Progression 3-5 OTM x8 mins 1) HSPU 2) Negatives (3sec) 3) Wall Walks 4) Kick-ups w/ 3 sec Hold 5) DB Strict Press + B. 575 likes · 488 were here. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. • Monday and Wednesday, 6:00p - 7:00p • Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00p - 1:00p Active unlimited membership athletes can simply join on Zoom without signinWeek of 2020. Rope climb, 2 reps 4 rounds for time: 400-meter run 15 box jumps 10 toes-to-bars TUESDAY Back squat: 2 reps at 80% of 1-rep max 2 reps at 86% 1 rep at 92. Cadence Kennedy Photography Collection. MONDAY (DEADLIFTS + BENCH) BENCH PRESS. March 16, 2015 · Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! Each week we would like to feature athletes being active as kids on Thursdays for our TBT, if you have an old photo of you doing something active/sporty please send to [email protected]. We are. 01. Log In. orToday's WOD A. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. orWednesday 2020. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Italian Restaurant. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. July 2, 2023. 288 Hamilton Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11231. orWith a partner, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of: 3 kettlebell swings 3 toes-to-bars 3 wall ball shots 6 kettlebell swings 6 toes-to-bars 6 wall ball shots 9 kettlebell swings 9 toes-to-bars 9 wall ball shots Etc. Crossfit Prospect Heights. Forgot account? or. Come join us!4 sets of: A1. Red Hook StrengthWorks. 5 rounds for time: 400-meter run 15 toes-to-bars 15 hand-release push-upsWith a 6-minute running clock, complete – 50 wall ball shots buy-in As many rounds and reps as possible in remaining time: • 12 deadlifts (185 lb / 135 lb) • 12 lateral burpees over barbell Rest 4 minutes, then. Log In. 01. 08 – 2018. The goal; improving our health, achieving higher levels of fitnes s via strength training, technique improvements, and moving better through daily. One of our favorite exercises is the. 12 Min EMOM Even: 20s AMRAP Situps Odd: 6-8 Ring Dips + C. Log In. Gym/Physical Fitness Center. Art Gallery. 570 likes · 515 were here. / 225 lb. 13-2020. We are dedicated to providing you with the full spectrum of health & wellness. Log In. July 2, 2023. orSaturday 2019. Not now. Log In. 29 ( )Red Hook StrengthWorks. Get directions, reviews and information for Red Hook StrengthWorks in. orLow Back Loosener Anyone looking to combat some of the soreness in their low back from Monday's WOD, in general, or in the future continue to read on. 5% 1 rep at 97. orMONDAY A. 22 (. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. 18 ( )Red Hook StrengthWorks, Brooklyn, New York. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. 08 — CrossFit Red Hook Deadlift: 7 x 1 rep with 7070 tempo (7-second descent, 7-second ascent) at a heavy load Every 4 minutes for 5 rounds (20 minutes total): 3 muscle-ups 6 toes-to-bars 9 deadlifts (225 lb / 155 lb) 15 jump squatsMONDAY 4 supersets of: A1. Red Hook Workouts (Week of 7/3/2023) Lady Velez. worksRed Hook StrengthWorks, Brooklyn, New York. 26 — CrossFit Red Hook Hang squat clean: build to a heavy set of 2 reps As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of : 15 goblet squats 15 kettlebell swings 10 burpeesWhat's the deal with protein powders? Or protein supplements? What's the deal with protein powders? Or protein supplements?Red Hook StrengthWorks. 12 — CrossFit Red Hook With a partner, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of: 20 double-dumbbell weighted step-ups 20 devil presses 150 double-unders Divide work as desired. Log In. Red Hook StrengthWorks - WILLIAMSBURG located at 171 Meeker Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Log In. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Turkish get-up: 8 reps per side Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: Minute 1 – battle rope, 40 seconds Minute 2 – rope climb, 40 seconds Minute 3 – wall walk, 40 seconds Minute 4 – double-kettlebell overhead hold, 40 secondsSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. Back squat with 2-second pause, 4 reps; rest 90 seconds As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 3 hang power cleans (185 lb. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. Hang Power Clean; Build to a 1RM + 20 Min AMRAP 31 Hand Release Pushups 31 KB Swings 31 Ring Rows 31 KB Goblet Squats 31 Toes 2 Bar 31 KB Sumo DL High Pull 31 V-ups 31 Alternating KB. Today's WOD A. Join Coach Lady for some web workouts using Zoom ! This web conferencing app is free to download for smart phone, laptop, or desktop. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. 10. Create new account. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. A community of athletes dedicated to functional fitness and fun. Log In. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. orWeek of 2020. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Red Hook StrengthWorks is an unaffiliated community/gym physical fitness facility featuring a diverse group of athletes. Log In. Deadlift, 1 rep max 2013 Regional Event 5 21-15-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts (315 lb. Press with 31X1 tempo, 3 x 6 reps As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 6 handstand push-ups 40 double-unders TUESDAY 2 snatch pulls + 2 power snatches, 5 sets Every minute on the minute for 12 minToday's WOD. See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. . orToday's WOD A. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. 07. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. 08. 01. 24-2020. Alternate after each partner completes one round; each paT-minus 3 days to sign up for the Paleo Challenge!! See how your performance changes with your nutrition choices! Heading into the weekend here is an article on how to make grocery shopping easier. Log In. August 15, 2020 · Week of 2020. CrossFit Hours: 288 Hamilton Ave, Brooklyn NY. PRICING NEW MEMBERS. . Back Squat 3. Foundations $275/two private sessions — please email to schedule before purchasing the sessions! New Member Deal (1 Month Unlimited + Foundations) $450 (originally $525) 3-Month New Member Deal (3 Months Unlimited). 288 Hamilton Ave Brooklyn, NY 11231 (347) 276-1224 [email protected] Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11231, United States (347) 276-1224 [email protected]. Log In. or3 rounds for time: 400-meter run 20 toes-to-bars 40 air squats Rest 3 minutes, then. 08. Log In. . com :) Thanks guys!See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. 07. 02. Deadlift with 5-second pause below the knees, 4 x 5 reps B. A community of athletes dedicated to functional fitness and fun. Red Hook Pricing About Us Home Williamsburg CLASS SCHEDULE. worksSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Related Pages. / 135 lb. orRed Hook StrengthWorks. orPower snatch: build to heavy set of 5 touch-and-go reps For time: 100 double-unders 21 deadlifts (225 lb / 155 lb) 21 handstand push-ups 100 double-unders 15 deadlifts 15 handstand push-ups 100 double-unders 9 deadlifts 9 handstand push-upsMONDAY Strict press: 5 x 5 reps at 70% of 1-rep max For time: 100 double-unders buy-in 5 rounds of • 10 deadlifts (185 lb / 125 lb) • 10 bar-facing burpees 100 double-unders cash-out TUESDAY Clean complex: 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean +. orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. . orSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. 13 ( )See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Reload page. 3 rest 30s/2m x3 (heavy; all sets) + For Time: 18-15-12-9-6-3 Push Jerks (135/95) Box JumpsSee more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. . works288 Hamilton Ave Brooklyn, NY 11231 (347) 276-1224 [email protected]. 08. Log In. Log In. Log In. Log In. Log In. orWeek of 2018. ) Box jumps (30" / 24")See more of Red Hook StrengthWorks on Facebook. Log In. Hand-release push-up, 15 reps A2. A. Log In. Red Hook StrengthWorks is an unaffiliated community/gym physical fitness facility featuring a diverse group of athletes. Red Hook StrengthWorks, 288 Hamilton Ave, New York, NY, Health Clubs & Gyms - MapQuest. Muscle-up progression, 1-5 reps; rest 20 seconds A2.